Health Systems are continually adding new services to their business portfolios through mergers, acquisitions, shared services, JV’s, or de novo. This business strategy is most effective when both the business plan and the integration plan occur concurrently.
To ensure success, a system-wide integration plan is crucial.
Unfortunately, many systems:
underestimate the importance of an integration plan
lack the expertise to develop an integration plan
lack the bandwidth to implement the integrations
DCCS Provides a 10-Step Best-Practice Integration Plan. Key Action Steps:
Improve financial and quality results
Remove leadership role ambiguity
Improve workplace culture and performance
Maximize strategic goals and opportunities
"In today's merger and acquisition environment, it is essential to have an integration plan that takes into consideration your people, processes, and technology."
Jim Angle, DCCS Partner
Contact DCCS to learn more about Learn more about DCCS 10-Step Best Practice Integration Plan