Eugene Christian, M.D., CPE | Available for Assignment
Highly qualified executive improving healthcare quality, patient safety, cost-effectiveness, performance, medical staff affairs, clinical efficacy, and access through information technology and management systems—an experienced leader with strategic value-based vision, providing quality healthcare, population health management, change management, and physician recruitment.
Key Accomplishments:
9 years of dedicated leadership/administrative work and over 20 years of direct clinical experience.
Started and grew a successful orthopedic surgery group practice while serving as medical staff president at numerous hospitals.
Experienced System Chief Medical Officer
Organized an informatics structure that successfully harmonized 2 different instances of Epic
Saved $9M on orthopedic joint implants
Grew GME programs from 41 to 43
Increased physician satisfaction by introducing an auto query system for providers that reduced response times from 3.3 to 1.3 days and captured $12M in additional revenue in less than a year.
Decreased CAUTI’s by 67% and decreased C. Diff infection rate by 75%.
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