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Relationship Building Key For Task-Oriented Leaders

By Rand O'Leary, DCCS Consultant

Task oriented leaders, those using just work plans, measurements, goals, dashboards, etc.… sometimes may be left scratching their heads when their teams do not accomplish their goals, or performance begins to decline without any clear reason as to why.

To motivate your teams, and accomplish your goals, perhaps you would be better served to examine your leadership relationship competencies.

What is a Relationship Leading?

Primarily a behavioral approach to leadership:

  • Focused on the general well-being of team members.

  • Works to build camaraderie within the team (share the work, successes and failures).

  • Working together as a team vs. individual accomplishment (leave titles at the door).

  • Committed to a common purpose.

  • Understand each other and the contributions we each make.

  • Focus on the people, the mission and the community needs.

What is task-oriented Leading?

Emphasis by the Leader is on work facilitation, Leadership:

  • Focuses on structure, roles and tasks.

  • Results are the priority.

  • Emphasis on goal setting.

  • Clear plans to achieve goals.

  • Strict use of plans (step-by-step).

  • Consequences, punishment/incentives to achieve goals.

When determining what leadership style works best for your team, consider the make-up of the team, today’s workforce is motivated much more by team achievement but still values individual recognition. Workers today want to achieve the goal, but want much more flexibility than past generations when it comes to how to achieve that goal.

The relationship leader provides the space and the opportunity for all team members to weigh in, most people understand that they will not always get their way, but you must create the environment for people to be heard and express themselves or risk losing the engagement of your team.

To learn more about Rand O'Leary, Experienced Healthcare CEO, Contact DCCS.


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