Intimate knowledge of the for-profit and non-profit sectors; as well as extensive experience as a nurse executive, CEO, and system executive.
Currently serves as a health system and ACO Advisor to organizations including Real Time Medical Systems.
Impressive record of service within the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), where she is a Fellow, former Regent and Governor, and Chairman.
Key Accomplishments
Named to Becker’s “Top 100 Woman Hospital and Healthcare Executives to Know” list for three years.
ACHE Gold Medal Award Recipient, the highest honor bestowed by the college and is given to individuals who have made an impact on our profession and on our health care system across the country.
Founder and first President of the Sarpy County Chamber of Commerce and Economic development corporation.
Combined 5 small community chambers into one with enough clout and manpower to attract big business to the county.
Sarpy County is now the fastest-growing county in Nebraska.
Voted as the employee of the year while serving as CEO of Midlands Community Hospital.
Co-founded Avantas and pioneered a predictive model for staffing to minimize human resource waste and maximize staffing.
Facilitated hospital turnarounds, particularly in rural markets in Oklahoma.
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